Voyage of Wanderlust

Jane's First Sail on Wanderlust

The good, the bad and the awesome from a novice sailor's point of view

Okay, so we've been sitting in the slip in the marina for what seems to be an eternity, itching for that all important weather window - ta da! It's finally here.

Stowing and latching and making things ready (many tasks) and then, at last, leaving the dock. Excitement, name it. Wanderlust is a big vessel, but my eyes are even bigger.

It's a bright sunny day and the water is aquamarine blue with dancing whitecaps, beckoning us forward. It's a choppy sea as the waters narrow and swell into the channel, yet "the wind is good," says Captain Walt. There's a substantial pitch and roll to the boat under motor (from my perspective), and I am amazed at Walt's agility in getting the mainsail uncovered and up. That's no small feat on a boat this large when one's shorter stature is a clear disadvantage. Jib up next, and we're sailing! It's beautiful on the water and blissfully quiet, save for the welcome sound of wind in the sails and waves in the water.

Captain Walt

There are many 'moving parts' that need attended to both quickly and in sequence, while you also have to stay attuned to the radio, the wind and the weather. I'm left wondering if it will ever become second nature to me as it is so clearly for Walt. Yet, when I see the joy and excitement in Walt's eyes as he's finally back at the helm and Wanderlust is at sea, it boosts my confidence that I can - as the Enterprise's Captain Picard would say - "make it so."

...then, suddenly, I am seasick. What the...!?! I was more surprised than embarrassed because I have never ever experienced motion sickness. Who knew? The good news is that I was able to heave over the side and not in the boat, and I did not, thankfully, have a large meal before departure...a 'for sure' recommendation for others on their first sail. I recovered and I now consider it 'first timer's initiation' - nerves and newness. But I confess I was happy to lower the anchor in a picturesque little cove. Although we were buffeted by occasional strong wind gusts (again, my perspective), I found myself enjoying Wanderlust's lovely lullaby motion. I slept so well, I must say.

First sail a success? As any good Minnesotan would say - "you betcha".